The Veil Of Light for Jesse

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Getting Rid Of All My Teas and Using Tastebuds For Physical Pain #toxicity #pain #abuse #healingjourney #selfphysicalrehabilitation #livingpositivelyafterchallenges #lorijeanfinnila

I know it sounds crazy, perhaps because I was never a good cook not so much, but while I'm on this physical healing journey, and I didn't realize how much physical healing I needed as I watch the results as I push myself, I've pushed myself to cook a few things that taste good. I feel I need to cook most everything that goes in my mouth for safety and budget reasons. I use a lot of recipes from the web and make changes that work for me. I freeze some of it many times making my life easier during these grueling times of pushing myself physically with my self-rehabilitation for my body and head injuries from abuse that I do.

I cry out loud inside making the agreement with myself to continue to push myself down a journey that appears to never be able to be done. I find myself in a place of only me feeling myself in a linear space. When this happens I know I've arrived for that next yoga session that beats me down but makes me feel more life. I heat up a leftover and feel my body grabbing the sense of delight and I feel no more pain for that moment. It stays with me for a while and longer in my mind feeling I've accomplished what I've needed for that time.

With all that said, with all the problems we have with pesticides and herbicides contaminating our bodies in general, with my condition being fragile from one of the worst injuries I've received from abuse (Hashimoto's from pesticides and/or herbicides entering my body), I feel now I'm horrified by its effects on my body. I can't believe I'm one of the people in those positions where my body is rejecting so many foods and skin care, even regular whole foods, whether organic or not. I feel fright like I feel no one can ever feel at these times. While I struggle with this, my latest is to get rid of all my teas where more than 1 has caused me problems as of recent and caused me to research into the natural toxins in teas. Where I can rinse out the natural toxins in rice that I so desperately need in my pantry to survive being cost friendly I can't rinse out my tea bags or leaves affectively enough. So bye, bye teas and hello to more good cooking. 

I hope you've found this helpful. And if you have these problems leave a comment and let me know. I'd love to know what you do about this.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

REAL HEALTH - The Journey to Wellness | Dr. Zach Bush #pesticides #herbicides #biome #environment #health #inflammation

Can pesticides and herbicides cause thyroid problems?
'There is considerable evidence to indicate that exposure to the insecticides organochlorines, organophosphates, and pyrethroids increased risk of hypothyroidism. Exposure to herbicides also increased risk of hypothyroidism.' (BMC Public Heath Biomedical Center)

We're already having a hard time with our herbicides and pesticides hurting our biome. I'm not surprised with the overwhelm on my body being originally hurt by toxins (most likely these) where I obtained Hashimoto's having no where to turn for healthy nutrition to alleviate my inflammation of a constant increase through foods. 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

CTE and Domestic Violence #CTE #braincells #braintrauma #lorijeanfinnila #domesticviolence

 'Chronic traumatic encephalopathy is a neurodegenerative disease linked to repeated trauma to the head.' Mayo Clinic

Apparently the smaller hits done over a certain amount of time leads to this condition. You don't have to be hit in the head, as I've been trying to say. Your body can be jolted and still disrupt your brain leading to injury down the road.

Doing yoga I've opened up the smallest of areas that I couldn't get past with all the physical trauma done to my body. I'm grateful to have moments when I can share my knowledge what happens to our bodies when they're abused so much. The long time effects can be devastating. 

I couldn't understand, that's me in the picture above, why you couldn't see marks all over my face yet my face was so swollen on occasion after all the abuse upon me. My brain had been badly affected. The damage would show itself on me changing my appearance at any given time. I used to worry I'd die from abuse and no one would diagnose it. Now others have a chance. Now this is looked into during autopsy. This can be proven. 

I'm watching a movie "This Hits Home" at Amazon that says everything I've been trying to say. Hallelujah!!! Now we just have to get the word out. One hope is that those who are doing the hitting will realize this is deeper than what they think. The other is that people realize the choices and outcomes for victims of violence are not as they appear. Once the brain is traumatized, as myself when a teen, you're not thinking clearly - concussion, brain damage. It takes months for the first injury to heal without being affected by another subsequently. This can be rare in a repetitive abuse situation. Bless all the doctors in this movie. The long term affect of being mildly thrown around for a lifetime will affect a person for a lifetime.

I now after months of self physical therapy can think enough to see the long term effects. My mind is a bit slower and I don't recognize common spelling as I always did. I'm hopeful this will go away too.

Up Walking #upwalking #exceededexpectations #lorijeanfinnila #livingpositivelyafterrchallenges #video

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Rinsing Rice and Life Planners #lorijeanfinnila #livingpositivelyafterchallenges #video #rice #lifeplanners

Temu Video Link: Temu Rice Cleaner: Carrie Green Video: Sorry I was too tired to read my poetry book. My Music: Apple book: Be Free Like Me by Lori Jean Finnila Amazon Book: Poetry Book at Amazon: Finding Passion Through Truth: A Book of Poetry by Lori Jean Finnila: