My Firefighter by Lori Jean Finnila

Sunday, June 9, 2024

REAL HEALTH - The Journey to Wellness | Dr. Zach Bush #pesticides #herbicides #biome #environment #health #inflammation

Can pesticides and herbicides cause thyroid problems?
'There is considerable evidence to indicate that exposure to the insecticides organochlorines, organophosphates, and pyrethroids increased risk of hypothyroidism. Exposure to herbicides also increased risk of hypothyroidism.' (BMC Public Heath Biomedical Center)

We're already having a hard time with our herbicides and pesticides hurting our biome. I'm not surprised with the overwhelm on my body being originally hurt by toxins (most likely these) where I obtained Hashimoto's having no where to turn for healthy nutrition to alleviate my inflammation of a constant increase through foods. 

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