The Veil Of Light for Jesse

Living Positively Today’s Streaming Music

Monday, May 31, 2021

Spanish Onion and Potato Omelette #lorijeanfinnilainthekitchen #yummyfood #healthyfood

I love potatoes in the morning. My photo doesn't do it justice. I added a bit too much potato. Plus, I used my square electric fry pan. It doesn't heat evenly. The flavor is all there in this dish. This will be my go to omelette with many opportunities for adds. Thank you Spain On a Fork .

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Neat New Recipes #lorijeanfinnilainthekitchen #energy #clarity #medicinefood

 I found these neat recipes to enhance my taste buds and keep the nutritional food going down giving me that badly needed energy. Hummus works well but the taste isn't there enough for me. I found this recipe cooking the dried chickpeas in chicken broth with a healthy bay leaf, onion, and garlic. Because the flavors were cooked in I didn't have to add fresh garlic, which kept the flavor light. I use it as a spread on my high energy semolina Sardinian flat bread. I only used 1 tablespoon of lemon per half a cup of dried beans and added 1/4 tsp of red pepper flakes. I had no black pepper which seemed to work keeping it mild. This spread that I top with tomato slices inspired me to try a vegan mayo with chick peas.

Instant Pot Chick Peas

I love Sally's Baking Addiction. I found this chocolate chip recipe that is truly indulging to me the way I made it. I used half coconut oil for butter, coconut sugar for brown sugar, and chunks of a homemade dark chocolate recipe made with honey, coconut oil, vanilla, and cacao chocolate that I use. I used half of the white sugar. The small bit of sugar gives me clarity.  

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Spanish Onion Garlic Potatoes #lorijeanfinnilainthekitchen #yummyfood #healthyfood

 I love these potatoes! I didn't even have wine and had to use one cup of a chicken broth that had some tomato paste in it, where I used all chicken broth for liquids - and I would use 1/2 cup less next time where wine absorbs, and they are still great. Recipe at Spain On a Fork.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Homemade Granola with Few Ingredients #lorijeanfinnilainthekitchen #healthyfood #healthymedicine


This wonderful woman just shared some very important breakfast tips in these nutritional recipes. I decided to try the homemade granola. I don't like coconut flakes and I had no sunflower seeds so I used pumpkin. I also used sunflower seed butter instead. I added a few extra raisins. This is SO yummy!!

Recipe from HealthNut Nutrition

I just ate a handful and it gave me a burst. I also made boiled eggs like she said and ate one on bread and it killed my fatigue and brain fog. I liked the eggs better too. 

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Holy Grail Nutrition Ingredients #lorijeanfinnilainthekitchen #holygrail #healthyfood #medicinefood

 I'm starting a pinned post for my holy grail items that I love. I'm only posting the brands that I've compared to many others or just haven't found a product like it and have very much needed it. I'll be adding to it as I remember and find more.


I have not been able to find a salty snack with olive oil, sea salt, and no additives. I very happily just found this popcorn. It will be in my cupboard monthly. I hope to find more of these snacks made the same way. 


Have not found a flour that compares. It makes beautiful pie crusts effortlessly and I'm trying it out today with my artisan mini loafs.