The Veil Of Light for Jesse

Living Positively Today’s Streaming Music

Saturday, November 30, 2019

To Die For Honey Sweetened No Bake Cheesecake Chocolate and Chef Pete Evan's Cauliflower Mac and Cheese #cheesecake #chocolate #dessert #chefpete #chefepeteevans #lorijeaninthekitchen

 Honey Sweetened No Bake Cheesecake


I served this on top of homemade dark chocolate. I'm going to try on top of homemade almond flour pie crust next.

I added a squirt of lemon on a small part to make it Lemon Cheesecake filling.

For the cream cheese for this I shopped at Whole Foods and got an organic one. I like a lot of 365 products there as well with price and ingredients.

My body can feel deprived from cutting out so many ingredients in my diet. I just mainly completely omit refined sugar and gluten. Since I've cut out wheat altogether I've found my body won't accept it anymore. I'm functioning higher so I assume my body is going to reject it now. Finding substitutes that I've accepted as healthier has made all the difference in the world. When I find a taste that I can lavish over I'm through the roof. My tastes have changed since I've cut out these two ingredients. I can accept the finer tastes that may have been overlooked compared to the quick sweet ones or seemingly more energy ones. I can go now a full meal without a starchy carb more comfortably and feel the difference with a bit of more healthier energy. I don't do this often though. If I substitute a vegetable instead of a carb at a meal I try and include a small snack with a carb, say a small gluten free roll or dessert.

Added a touch of sense reactor with this amazing Cauliflower and Cheese Mac by Chef Pete Evans. I had no heavy cream so I made my own light cream, which is easier with a limited pantry, with milk, butter, and a couple of teaspoons of potato starch. Use your own thickener if needed and if it thins out when reheating it. 

Friday, November 22, 2019

Therapy and Chocolate #yummy #Museboatradio #lorijeaninthekitchen

I just learned today during therapy that 6 years of abuse from my ex is too intolerable. Six years I let my ex scare me after physically abusing me as a child and then adult - just waiting for it to happen again, begging him on my knees to stop as he laughed because he knew he was scaring me as he would force motion pounces at me. He eventually came home and would throw large pieces of furniture in our living room as I stared on. I would go to work shaking. I found that scoundrel made me feel like I was a piece of poop. Even after all these years I still see him coming after me, and not alone now but with friends. I have to hold my unborn child that he killed until I can find a way to let go of her. I'm learning how to make my own surroundings around me safe. AND that I'm not a piece of POOP!! If it wasn't for Cristiano Ronaldo the Portuguese soccer icon to fill so many accomplishments in his life I would still think I'm a piece of poop. I kept going stronger and harder watching him go.

I aided myself with garbanzo bean chocolate bars tonite!! Yummy! Creamy Chocolate Bars #4

Don't forget to listen to my podcast featured at Museboat Radio this Sunday. I believe I'm in the kitchen on this one. How exciting!! 1:00 pm PST "Holistic Tips with Lori Jean" at iHeart Radio. Links below. I help share healing from emotional and physical abuse nutritionally.

Photo by Joe from Pexels