The Veil Of Light for Jesse

Living Positively Today’s Streaming Music

Friday, May 24, 2024

Rebecca Campbell's Ancient Stones Oracle is Coming!!!! #stones #healing #lorijeanfinnila

Image by Enrique from Pixabay

Her oracle card deck here: Ancient Stones Oracle

Through the roof on this one! I'll definitely be ordering this before I go to the ruins in Mexico. When I was fighting for my life after my abuse in 2011' my mind couldn't stay away from connecting, including the stones. I still have to be careful not to go too close to that aura.

They have many stones in Ireland. They have one circle of stones (Beaghmore Stone Circles in Northern Ireland - 2 hrs from Dublin) where some say you can hear the children crying. I have always heard children crying from there. Found out later my dad, recently, my dad is, or was, I wasn't allowed to see the man who I didn't know was my father when he would come around that's British/Irish. Maybe the child crying was me, or maybe the baby that my ex murdered. I will find out one day when I visit Ireland next in 2025.'

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Breaking the Frightening Barriers #frighteningbarriers #lorijeanfinnila #awomanchallenged

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

I NPR tapped to go to college again at a University studying English Creative Writing eventually focusing on screenwriting just to get started on the English courses. 

I started doing motivation videos for others even though I only got one view each video to get out of my head with fright from my abuse.

I put up many free live singing streams where no one or one person would show up to continue with confidence to my singing.

I dove into an instructional screenwriting book the size of the bible with language it looked like in Chinese and got through it to be able to assimilate the language in the classes I eventually took.

I did Reiki to explore my options for  my Hashimoto's which gave me the strength to explore almost 200 pieces of media in books, DVD's, and documentaries to assist myself in a healthier lifestyle that would give me results to my condition. 

I'll add to this as I remember.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Blooming Teas! #lorijeanfinnila #awomanchallenged #holistichealing #marigold #jasmine

I tried blooming tea for my Macular Degeneration and Hashimoto's. I'm actually dizzy from the marigold. Plus there's caffeine in it which I'm not used to. I'll try the jasmine tomorrow. The eye supplement I take with only a bit of marigold I'm used to now but I think the tea is too much. Blooming teas in general are good for Hashimoto's. I'm going to buy some decaf as well and try that. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Blooming Marigold Tea #hashimotos #maculardegeneration #lorijeanfinnila #holistichealing


Image by P. Wutz from Pixabay

Just got my first blooming marigold tea coming in to fight for my eyesight and my Hashimoto's. Will share more here later on this.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Up Making Healthy Oat Bars

I'm grateful I've stopped the time in my life to have time to be in the kitchen more taking care of myself better AND saving spending money for Cancun in December. (sorry about the chomping in your ear-the Apple AirPods pick up incredibly well) Apple Pie Oat Bars Recipe: Homemade Apple Sauce: