The Veil Of Light for Jesse

Living Positively Today’s Streaming Music

Monday, July 31, 2023

Lori’s Banana Cream Cheese Frozen Yogurt #loriinthekitchen #healthyfood #spiritualhealingjourney #frozenyogurt


I put 12 ounces of my homemade Greek yogurt into my Ninja iCreami. I made this by adding 3 1/2 tbsps of honey and 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract into the strained yogurt I made right into the Ninja mixing cup and stirred it well.  Then I sliced one small banana and mixed that in. After 24 hours I blended it on the ‘smoothie bowl’ setting. I always remix. Then I filled the open well inside the made yogurt with cream cheese. It looked like it took almost 2 ounces. (I would take a bit of the mixture out before doing this-it made an unhappy noise at me.) Then hit ‘mixins’. Yummy! It has a bit of that yogurt tinge still but good. You can add more cream cheese if you want which I’ll try next and call it cheesecake frozen yogurt. 

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