The Veil Of Light for Jesse

Living Positively Today’s Streaming Music

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Banana Wheat Muffins #lorijeanfinnilainthekitchen #fightinflammation #abuseinjuries

I'm always happy when I find a recipe that's healthy that helps fight my inflammation. I feel sad and left out a lot when I can't eat foods that others do because my body will feel on fire; I have a deeper injury of being poisoned by a good chance of pesticides (insect killers). My body is so reactive like nothing I've ever seen before, and when people want to hurt you it's so easy to grab something out of the garage. And then laugh later, who would believe?

But with my persistence to help other abuse victims and my relentless search I finally found those intelligent enough to listen to me as well as have the proper tools to test me to narrow the search to my effects.

I entered my early day with a smile from the smell and springs from coconut sugar, I used coconut oil, and fresh organic eggs into a wonderful wheat muffin with just enough all purpose flour to give it a spring. Thanks to Whole Foods for once again making my day. (I made my own buttermilk too.)

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