The Veil Of Light for Jesse

Living Positively Today’s Streaming Music

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Jesse's Avocado Grilled Chicken

Jesse Finnila's Grilled Chicken and Fresh String Bean with salt, pepper, and avocado oil. Yum!

I'm sorry I messed up again with the topic that I said would be up today. I'm trying to do too many things at once .... and with administrative details.... I do mess up. So sorry. Homemade pizza is next week. The baked tilapia this week is amazing too. The tarragon in it will give you a GREAT boost. It lasts me into the next day. I take a few leaves and chew them or swallow them lightly chewed - the strong liquorice type flavor can be a bit for some - with something to drink in the morning if I haven't added it to my morning smoothie. If you need a 'pick me up' later as well you can chew some leaves and swallow them.

I'm working on so many other fun recipes. Watch for recipes with avocado oil. I'm working on getting a small food processor for sauces, especially made with cheeses.

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